Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Distillation in Chemistry - What You Should Know

Distillation in Chemistry - What You Should KnowDistillation in Chemistry is a process that involves the separation of components that have been taken out of a liquid solution by cooling down the solution and then heating it. It was a well known process used in the olden days of chemistry but is no longer common nowadays.During this process, the components will be separated from the solution and will undergo a chemical reaction in order to be mixed with other components. The reaction is known as vaporization and the components are classified as hydrophilic or hydrophobic depending on the surface they will be on. Hydrophilic components will dissolve in water, while the hydrophobic components will not.This process helps in chemical separation. You can find many uses for this process but there are a lot of different types of distillation. Below are some of the methods you can find.Boiling: this process has been in use since ancient times when people used to boil water to test its qualit y. It was also used to create lye. It is considered to be one of the best methods to test the purity of the liquids because of its simplicity. It is also considered to be one of the cheapest ways to test the quality of the solution.The chemical that is boiled will be separated from the solvent that is put into the flask during the process. The different chemicals that will be produced will be known as ethyl acetate, sulfuric acid, and so on. In the end, the solvent will evaporate and will leave the element that is boiled in the flask.The chemical extraction is the same as boiling except that the solvent will evaporate. The heat will help in separating the different components. The chemist will have to add the different components one by one so that the most important element remains for the chemical reaction. The physical solvents are the most effective way to distill because they have no smell and they are easy to handle. You can use several kinds of solvents to make different type s of process. Different solvents will produce different qualities of the product.

Friday, March 6, 2020

I didnt get a C in Maths or English GCSE; what do I do now

I didn’t get a C in Maths or English GCSE; what do I do now Maths and English GCSE results can have an impact on your choice of university degree course, as well as your future job. Many universities and workplaces require a minimum C grade in both… BUT don’t worry if you haven’t achieved this; you do have a few options. Contact Your College If you are planning to continue on to higher education (A-Levels, Level 3) contact your sixth form college as soon as possible. Your college may let you resit the GSCE alongside studying for your advanced level subjects; some will even offer extra support to help you with the re-sit. Speak to Your Teacher If you are not planning to stay in education, or your college doesn’t offer GCSE resits, you should speak to your current Maths or English teacher. Your school may allow you to take resits there, or recommend other institutions that do. Advice on Resits Speak to your teachers and college before deciding to re-sit. Many students do far better in re-sits, but your teacher will know your capabilities well. If your teacher really believes you won’t improve, it might not be worth the effort. Resitting exams is difficult, especially if you’re resitting alongside your AS Levels; it can be lonely and will increase your workload. You don’t need to have lessons in school to do a resit; you can always just get private GCSE maths tuition, GCSE English language, GCSE English literature or combined GCSE English tuition and enter as an External Candidate. Most maths tutors and English tutors will be able to help you with this. Request a Remark You can get your paper remarked if you feel it has been marked incorrectly. You need to ask your school or exam centre to submit an EAR (enquiry about results) by 20th September 2014. Bear in mind that your score could go down as well as up, and the remark score is final; so if you’re just a few marks above a grade boundary this is a risky approach. The general rule is that the more subjective the subject is, the more chance the score could change: ie you’re less likely to get a change for Maths or Science subjects than for English or Humanties subjects (ask your teacher’s opinion!) If you didn't acquire the grades you were hoping on the A Levels, read our  blog post  to see what your next steps should be.

Facebook Good for Your Health

Facebook Good for Your Health Photo Via: According to a recent study conducted by a doctoral student at the University of California, San Diego, the amount of time that we spend on social media is actually associated with a longer life. The study was published in the journal PNAS this Monday, and implied that the health effects of spending time online can actually mirror the benefits of living a busy life outside of social media. According to the paper, “We find that people with more friends online are less likely to die than their disconnected counterparts. This evidence contradicts assertions that social media have had a net-negative impact on health.” Of course, it’s easy to be a little skeptical of the study. However, three university and state review boards approved the study. That being said, two authors of the paper had pasts at Facebook, so I’d take the study with a grain of salt. Authors William Hobbs and Moira Burke worked at Facebook previously. But Mr. Hobbs actually said that Facebook didn’t interfere with his study in saying, “We had some things in writing that they couldn’t interfere with the publication of the research no matter what the result was.” That being said, Mr. Hobbs also noted that members of Facebook felt “pretty confident that we were going to find this result.” And a news release that was released by the University of California stated, “The research confirms what scientists have known for a long time about the offline world: People who have stronger social networks live longer.” The study followed a total of 12 million social media profiles and records from the California Department of Health. So what exactly did the study find? For one thing, it found that “moderate use” of the social media site was associated with the lowest mortality rate and friend requests were also associated with reduced mortality. It also found that sending friend requests was not associated with reduced mortality and those with large/average social networks actually lived longer than those with smaller accounts. And the study subjects were all born between 1945 and 1989, so it is taking into consideration multiple generations. According to the paper, the finding was “consistent with classic studies of offline relationships and longevity.” That all being said, the paper also acknowledges that this doesn’t necessarily mean that using Facebook can directly affect your health. Basically, if you’re diagnosed with cancer, using Facebook isn’t going to cure you. Professor of public health and political science, James Fowler, claimed to be surprised at the association between requesting friendships online and longer life spans. According to him, “I had hoped we would find that reaching out to others was associated with better health.” Mr. Fowler claims that this surprise could in part be because researchers that previously correlated friendships with health could have mistaken the relationship between “sociability and health.” According to him, “The reason why people with more friends are healthier is because healthier people have more friends … it may be harder than we thought it was to use social networks to make people healthier.” Basically, the correlation is only there if the good health is there to begin with. Nathan Jurgenson, sociologist and researcher for Snapchat, pointed out that the study viewed the internet vs. real life as binary, even though there was evidence throughout the paper suggesting the opposite. According to Jurgenson, “All of the conceptual and linguistic back flips being done here in trying to explain that the virtual world interacts with the real world could be circumvented by instead taking for granted that digital connection is new and different but that it’s also part of this one social reality. And that being said, this positive outcome is a first for Facebook. Three years ago, a paper that was published in PLOS One journal actually claimed that in a two week span, the more the subjects of the study used Facebook, the worse they rated their own happiness. According to that paper, “On the surface, Facebook provides an invaluable resource for fulfilling the basic human need for social connection. Rather than enhancing well-being, however, these findings suggest that Facebook may undermine it.” But whether you believe the study is accurate or not, it’s another important turn in science that will result in many more studies to follow. According to Mr. Hobbs, “At this point, we’re not making any recommendations on how people should use social media. It’s good to have a long track record of finding these relationships again and again before we start giving recommendations.” That’s probably best.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Daystar Academy

Daystar Academy Daystar Academy Daystar Academy Beijing founded in 2002. Since then Daystar Academy has grown and now has over 600 students on roll ranging in age from 3 years to 15 years. We are a inquiry-based bilingual school offering an infused curriculum based upon the Chinese National Curriculum standards and the US Common Core State Standards. Using the International Baccalaureate framework and philosophy of teaching and learning, students graduate Daystar with not only a strong international education, but with a deep sense of our Daystar core values. Daystar Academy focuses on developing the whole child through cultivating empathy, building a strong sense of character, encouraging excellence in academics through two languages, English and Chinese, and building mastery in 21st century skills. Our student body is diverse, coming from many different countries around. Our excellent teaching faculty are equally international representing 16 nationalities. They are a community of talented, passionate and committed staff with 25% of them having been at Daystar for 5 years or more. We have strong global ties with various partners around the world. Daystar staff and leadership present annually at conferences around the world and have an incredibly strong partnership with our sister-school, Washington Yu Ying PCS located in Washington, DC. Daystar had two campuses within Beijing. Daystars suburban campus is located at northeast of Beijings city center, and just fifteen minutes from the airport. This campus has extensive sports grounds and state of the art facilities to support all aspects of our curriculum. In the fall of 2017, Daystar Academy opened a second campus located in the heart of Beijings embassy area, Sanlitun. The Sanlitun is a great location that allows our students to have many experiences outside the school. Many visitors comment on the atmosphere on all of our campuses which is open and friendly with students and staff working co-operatively together.

Choosing a Primary School - Tutor Hunt Blog

Choosing a Primary School Deadline for choosing a primary school - how to make the right choice Deadline for choosing a primary school - how to make the right choicePrimary schoolsParents had until the 16th of January to select a primary school for their child. For many parents this date has been looming ominously for months - and they may well have spent much of the previous year researching the results and reputations of schools in their area. Such is the importance of finding the right place that many parents will have even selected their home based on the catchment area of the local schools. There has been a precipitous increase in pupil numbers over the last few years, which of course makes getting a place for your child in your chosen school even harder. The catchphrase `postcode lottery` has come to be associated with the mad rush to secure a primary school place, with parents sometimes having to accept whatever school in their area will accept them. Having a sibling already at a school certainly enhances your chances for getting another child in, but it is by no means a guarantee. Back in 2015 the School`s Minister Nick Gibbs said that he was going to initiate reforms that would ensure siblings are always able to attend the same school, saying: `I think it should be a requirement when, as long as you live within the catchment area and one of your children is at the school already, there should be a right for your next child to go to that school.` If schools are oversubscribed however, it is possible for admission authorities to use `siblings at the school` as an oversubscription criterion - though the school minister attempted to make a guarantee on this issue, you are not definitely guaranteed a place even if you already have one child at a certain school. While many secondly schools have well established reputations, many parents may find it difficult to discern the relative academic merits of primary schools. A helpful resource for parents struggling to choose the right primary school for their child are the league tables, published every December. These enable statistical comparisons to be clearly seen. There are some though who caution against the use of these league tables when choosing a primary school. Paul Whiteman, general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers, has stressed that these tables are not the final word on how good a school is. `At face value, all the numbers tell you are how a relatively small group of pupils in a school performed in a set of narrow tests, focused on a small segment of the curriculum. `Tests and exams are only part of the picture.` Ultimately you want to choose a school that you believe your child will be happy attending. There can be no better way to get a feel for a school than visiting it yourself. All schools should have open days, where groups of prospective parents will be shown around - visiting the school`s website will inform you when these take place. ; The NAHT president and head of St John Fisher Catholic Primary school Anne Lyons expressed the importance of parents visiting schools in the process of choosing the right one: `Try and find out whether the school is creating the sort of learning environment that would suit your child - Get a feel for the school to see if it offers the environment for your child in terms of the quality of education and the relationships between children and staff.` However academically impressive a school seems on paper, it may not be the right place for your child to learn. Anne Lyons was keen to point out that a child must be comfortable at a school if they are to reach their full potential there: `Try and find out whether the school is creating the sort of learning environment that would suit your child - think about your child`s personality and the sort of school you want for them.` Parents will have to endure the long wait until the middle of April before they are told if their applications are successful. Tutor hunt has a useful database that lists important information for almost every school in the United Kingdom - information that will be helpful to parents when choosing a school for their child. The latest Ofsted results, along with empirical data collated from various other sources, are clearly presented for each school in our School`s section. 2 years ago0Add a Comment

Yes, you can become a teacher without a degree in education. Heres how.

Yes, you can become a teacher without a degree in education. Here’s how. If you’re reading this, you’ve probably realized you want to be a teacher. But you didn’t major in education. Maybe you didn’t know during high school or early on in college that you wanted to pursue becoming a teacher and you’ve recently graduated. If you find yourself wondering why you majored in sociology, computer science or biology, when the truth is, none of those are fields you actually want to pursue as a long-term career, you’re in good company. That nagging feeling that you’re not suited for what you just spent four or more years studying? You shouldn’t ignore it. Or maybe you’re contemplating a career change. Just because you’re on a dedicated career path doesn’t mean you have to stay on it forever, right? Perhaps you’ve been feeling bored or frustrated at work lately. Or, you work in an industry with failing job opportunities. If you’re looking for a fresh challenge, it’s never too late to switch to a career in education. And here’s the really good news - you don’t have to go back to school and get another bachelor’s degree in education to make it happen. So let’s walk you through how you can still become a teacher, even if you didn’t graduate with an education degree. Can I really become a teacher with just my bachelor’s degree? It’s not in teaching! You can absolutely still train to be a teacher without a degree in education. Virtually every state in the country offers alternate routes to certification explicitly designed with you in mind. Word of caution: There’s lots of red tape involved with getting certified to teach. What makes it even trickier to navigate is that each state department of education has its own certification requirements. That’s why it’s critical that you carefully research licensure requirements in the state you want to teach in before applying to any sort of teacher preparation program, as different rules will inevitably apply. If you do want to get into education as a long-term career, though, enrolling in an alternative certification program is generally a pretty safe bet. More on that below. What kind of degree do you need to be a teacher? As mentioned above, having a non-education degree will not prevent you from becoming a teacher. For example, some private, charter and not-for-profit schools don’t require applicants to have a teaching degree or hold state licensure. If you want to teach in the public school system (either as an elementary or high-school subject teacher), however, you will need a teaching license or teaching credential. Substitute teaching gigs can also be an excellent way for graduates with no teaching background to get some real classroom experience under their belt. Note: Most states set a four-year bachelor’s degree as the minimum education requirement for K-12 teachers. So, while you probably can’t find work as a teacher if you have an associate’s degree, you could still qualify for jobs in education, either as a teaching assistant, preschool or substitute teacher. How to use your current degree to become a teacher. First stop: Check whether your state offers emergency teaching certificates. This is where bachelor’s degree holders can apply to teach subjects that are presently experiencing a shortage of qualified candidates. A few select states, including Texas, Missouri, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Mississippi, California and Arizona, grant temporary licenses to teachers in high-need areas like special education, as well as foreign language and STEM subjects. If you’re planning on teaching more advanced subjects in public high schools, such as math or science, and have a degree in a related field, that’s generally enough for you to get an emergency status teaching job in one of these states. At the end, you can opt to take the state licensing exam and become a fully certified teacher. Don’t panic if your state doesn’t have an emergency certification pathway, however. There are plenty of alternative programs you can opt for instead. Can I get a teaching license with a bachelor's degree? OK, so we all know about the most obvious way to become a teacher: Obtaining an undergraduate degree that includes completing an accredited teacher preparation program, ultimately leading to licensure from your state’s board of education. Hundreds of accredited colleges and university offer blended degree and educator prep programs to that end. The process of getting certified by your state usually entails passing an examination, such as a state test or Praxis exams. There’s usually a student teaching component required, too. Depending on the state you want to teach in, however, there are other state-approved alternative routes to certification available to you. Here are two other ways you can get certified to teach in the US (other than a tradiionial educator preparation program as part of your undergraduate degree). 1. Get your master’s degree in education/teaching. There are two main options here: a Master of Arts in Teaching and a Master of Education. Of the course, the downsides are obvious - the cost of graduate school is high, you’ll need to prepare for the GRE and commit to a couple of years of full-time study. In short, it’s not an option that’s viable for everyone. The bonus is that you’ll often have a higher starting salary. when you do finally qualify as a teacher. 2. Enter an alternative certification program. As the name implies, alternative certification programs are an alternative to traditional, degree-based teacher certification programs. They’re specially designed for people who decide to become a teacher in a K-12 public school settng after completing their bachelor’s degree in an unrelated field. Those who earn an alternative teaching certification usually teach in the subject area in which they majored in. Once you’ve completed your alternative teacher certification program, you can then apply with the department of education in the state you want to teach in for a teaching role. There are a wide range of city, state and national alternative certification programs, offered by accredited private organizations and school districts, that let you earn your teaching credential while training in a classroom. The US government also provides financial aid to people enrolled in alternative certification programs. If you’re interested in teaching in a rural or inner-city school, you can also get hired without formal education training. Teach For America (TFA) and The New Teacher Project (TNTP) are two notable examples. Some states will also let you teach full-time, on the understanding that you’ll go back to college and finish your education degree within a specific time period. Alternative certification teacher programs can be online and classroom-based. Making a decision about which format to take will be influenced by many factors, including your personal and work schedule and the options available in your area. How long does it take to get a teaching certificate with a bachelor’s degree? Alternative certification programs allow students with a bachelor's degree and career experience to earn a teaching license outside of the traditional route mentioned above. These programs will typically get you teaching in the classroom faster than a traditional education prep program. They are short, intensive programs designed to get you into the classroom as quickly as possible - some in as little as nine months, in fact. If your bachelor’s degree isn’t education and you’re looking to fast track your teaching certification, there are even online teacher certification programs that let you teach while earning your teaching credential. I have a master’s degree, how can I become a teacher? If you have an advanced degree in your chosen field, then you’re in luck. It’s more than possible to find work as a teacher in most states without an education degree. Lots of public and private colleges and universities, for example, are keen to hire people with a master’s degree or PhD. Final word of advice on how to get a teaching certificate if you already have a bachelor’s degree. While it can feel daunting to start over after four years spent studying one very specialized field, a career in teaching is incredibly rewarding. If you love working with young people and have a sense of accomplishment from helping students grow, then it might be worth tutoring on the side, shadowing teachers, or even working as a substitute teacher before you pursue obtaining your teaching credential, either through the traditional or alternative means mentioned above. Either way, congratulations on having taken the first step toward becoming a teacher. Good luck and happy teaching!

Why Online Resources Is Important

Why Online Resources Is ImportantOnline resources provide an important ingredient in the fight against chemical dependency. You can enroll in a Chemistry Tutor Elimination program to study and even to earn a degree without the cumbersome steps of moving from classroom to classroom. Here are some ways that you can use online resources to assist you in this challenge.Counseling in Genetic Counseling - Counseling that is offered online is available in two formats - Genetic Counseling Programs (GCP) and Counseling Online (CO). GCP gives you complete access to a complete course load, while CO offers the opportunity to take the full course load at your own pace. This online option includes videos, written quizzes, study guides, online exams, and periodic quizzes. The main goal of the GCP program is to help individuals develop healthy and correct choices of food, exercise, and lifestyle.Counseling online is easy to understand and offer the learning experience that you need to prepare for al l exams, online or in person. Online counselors offer personalized approach to individuals' education needs. Counselors are trained professionals who are committed to helping you achieve academic success and learning.Online Counseling is very easy to apply and maximize the benefits of Counselor Elimination by using the internet to educate. Counselors provide access to a holistic approach to help individuals make positive changes in their life. Counselors offer support in achieving academic goals, connecting with the school or community, dealing with emotional issues, and attending various social and recreation events.You can take advantage of Counselor Elimination to achieve your goals of becoming academically successful, maintaining a healthy and fit lifestyle, learning new skills, and strengthening relationships. Counselors offer a variety of benefits: they can provide guidance in teaching; they can help individuals learn how to manage stress and change behavior patterns; they can assist individuals in improving self-esteem and improve their relationships with others. Counselors also help individuals seek out appropriate personal health care for themselves.Counselor Elimination can be helpful when studying. Those who do not have access to the internet have to be concerned about moving to a different school district or learning a new language, as the results of their studies might change drastically.Online Resources is available on any topic that you would like to learn about, regardless of your current situation. For example, you can use Chemistry Tutor Elimination to study and earn a Bachelor's degree. One of the best things about online resources is that they provide you with more flexibility when it comes to learning, rather than just preparing for exams. Online Resources allows you to study at your own pace and pursue your education goals.